
Solutions For Hacking Test ...!!!!

Level 3:

1) Open the source Code
2) Focus on the javascript there is code i.e pw=window.document.alinkColor;
3) This Shows there must be the color of link
4) alink="#000002"
5) answer ="#000002"

Level 4:

1) Open the source code
2) There is a hidden html page inside source code ie :- a href="aytrev.html"
3)Open aytrev.html page by clicking on it and it will redirect to
4) After this a script will be shown

<script type="text/javascript">
var sses, j,op;
sses=prompt("Type Password: ","");
if (sses=="bORN To HaCkie hehehehe") {
}else {alert("Try again");

5) Password :-"bORN To HaCkie hehehehe"

Level 5:

It is a bonus page...

Level 6:

1) Open the source code
2) there is a javascript like below

<script type="text/javascript">
var sses, j,op;
if (sses=="dsfdsfhe") {

3) when you enter the password as "dsfdsfhe" it says wrong so what happen...
4)There is embeded javascript on the source page look for "pwd.js" when you open it .. the source code will be shown like beow

var use;
use=prompt("Enter Password Here:","");
if (use=="hbimlomnc0") {
alert("Try again...");

5) So here's the correct password :- "hbimlomnc0"

Level 7 :- 

1) Open the source code
2) in this level the password is hidden in the image file..i.e "pane.gif" search this file in the source code. open this file or download . the user and password will be displayed @ below of this image.
3) u: yutere     p: humane

Level 8 :-

1) This level some like the previous level .. just type wrong user name and password 
2) after that it navigate to a new page saying that "Invalid Code...Try Again...!!!" . so we have to do open the source code for this page ..there is a file name "cap.gif". open this file or download . there is text saying that "check zip.document".
3) now download "" file . extract the contents of this file . A "cap.psd" will be extracted open this in the GIMP or PHOTOSHOP.
4) u:just  p:lie

Level 9 :-

1) open the source code .. you will found something like this below :-
----  Password: Ym9ybnRvZW5j= hack this and add this +".html" baby..!!!  -------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >

2)This is showing in encrypted form . so decrypt this
3)after decrypting u will get "borntoenc"

4)so next's level page url is "" so type in the browser.

Level 10 :-

1) There is some thing different in this level "Hack The Admin Page." .
2)there is some letters in italics format i.e " H,T,A,P "
3) type this as a password "H,T,A,P"
4) This give something like this  "Server Error : Cannot Find The File Path" . Now open the source code for this page "borntoenc1.html" .
 5)There is a hint to go next level :- "<p><font color="#FFFFFF">Level 11: bool.html</font>"
6) so next's level page url is :- ""

Level 11 :-

1) This is very simple level from all over the levels ..
2) Just open the source code .. there will be a hint like this on the top of the source code page i.e
"<meta name="shaify" content="goto:fuel.html">"
3) so next's level page url is :- ""

Level 12 :- 

1) In this level the answer is showing up in front of you..but you are ignoring ....
2)There is logo of "BORN TO HACK" download or save as image .
3)open the saved image and a little text written on the "T" letter of this logo image .i.e "source" .. it will be shown easily when zoom in +++
4)so next's level page url is :- ""

Level 13 :-

1) As written on the page "Just A Little Different From Level 12".
2) In this level the answer is also showing up in front of you..but you are ignoring again and again ....
3)There is something written like "HACKING LEVEL13" ..the "HACKING" is the text and "LEVEL 13" is actually a image or save as image .
4) open the saved image and a little text written  on the "L" letter of this image .i.e "4.XML" .. it will be shown easily when zoom in +++
5) so next's level page url is :- ""

Level 14 :-

1) As written on the page "A Hacker Will Animate The Logo Rather Than Find The Way To Get Answer".
2) In this the answer is hidden in the image below(advertisement) the logo of "BORN TO HACK".
3)save that advertisement and open with GIMP Software. the answer  will be show
4)so next's level page url is :- ""

Level 15 :-

1) when you click on "Click Here". it displays a image . now see the url it displayed like this :- "........piclvl16.jpg".
2) Now download this file and when you tried to open this file it will not show or gives error
3) Now tried to open this file with notepad then you will got the answer .

"Level 16: remove the page name ie (gudjob.html) and add "copyme" to reach level 16"
4)so next's level page url is :- ""

Note :- in this you don't have to use "copyme.html"

Level 16 :-

1) Open the source code . there is something written in the comments "<!-- level 17: /img" -->"
2) Now this the directory .i.e ""
3)It will shows "50% completed". open again open the source code . there is a file named "78.jpg".
4)Download that image file .after that open with notepad . you will get like this text "panda"
5)so next's level page url is :- ""

Level 17 :- 

1)Open the source code . you will find the text like this below :-
"<font color="#FFFFFF">Password: your IP address</font> "
2)So answer for this level is your "I.P Address"

Level 18 :-

1)"I Think It Should Be a n00b" . so the password is between n and b i.e "00".
2)type "00" as password .it will show script like this below :-
) { =; show_login_page(); exit(); } else { setmycookie(); } } else { if (<>) { show_login_page(); exit(); } else { // do nothing } } ?> /fober.html << told ya to think like a n00b!!! stats

3)answer is "fober.html" as it showing up url will be "".

Level 19 :-