
Sunday, August 28, 2011

How Can I Make the Windows Command Prompt Better?

The Windows Command Prompt certainly isn't the most friendly terminal around, and if you're coming from a UNIX background, it can feel like moving from a Ferrari to Fred Flintstone's car. Luckily, with a few tweaks, you can make the Command Prompt just as user-friendly as any other Terminal. Here's how to do it.

Step One: Install Cygwin for a More UNIX-Like Shell

You've probably heard us mention Cygwin before, and we really can't recommend it enough. It takes the crappy Windows Command Prompt and turns it into the useful UNIX terminal Mac and Linux fans are used to. All the commands you remember from your UNIX days will work in Cygwin beautifully, and you can use UNIX-based scripts and programs (like our very own Gina Trapani's just like you can on Linux or OS X. We've gone through a more detailed guide to Cygwin before, so I won't get too deep into it here. I'll just tell you that your number one job should be installing it, as it'll make your life so much better.

Step Two: Install an Alternate Terminal Program to Make Cygwin Even Better

Cygwin isn't actually a separate program, as it might appear to be. Instead, its a shell that loads in the regular Command Prompt program. Thus it solves half the problem of the Command Prompt—not having any of the same commands or syntax—but it doesn't actually solve the other problems inherent to the program itself. If you want better text selection, better copy and paste, window transparency, and other useful features, you'll want a new Terminal program entirely.
How Can I Make the Windows Command Prompt Better?

I'm a big fan of previously mentioned Console myself, though many prefer previously mentioned Mintty. Both serve similar purposes: they make your terminal act a bit more like the Mac or Linux terminals you're used to, by bringing better copy and paste, text editor-like text selection, and more to your terminal. I prefer Console mainly because it supports tabs, where Mintty does not. However, if you don't require tabs in your terminal, you might want to give Mintty a shot.
If you're using Mintty, the best way to install it is through the Cygwin installer. Run the Cygwin installer again and check it off under "Shells" in the "Select Pacakges" screen. Then, you can access it from the Cygwin folder in your Start Menu.

Step Three: Set Up Your Defaults

Mintty should be ready to go out of the box, but if you're using Console, you've got one extra step before you can get on tweaking your terminal. By default, Console will start up the regular old Windows command line, which is not what we want. To change this, start up Console and go to Edit > Settings. Under "Shell", type C:\cygwin\Cygwin.bat. That will make Console use Cygwin as your default shell when you start it up, so you don't have to worry about starting it up manually each time.

Obviously, if you want the Windows command line, you can still use the original Command Prompt application. Alternatively, if you head to the "Tabs" section of Console's preferences, you can add a new tab under Tab Name, call it "Windows CMD" (or whatever you want), and set the shell to %windir%\system32\cmd.exe. You can also change the startup directory to your User folder (e.g. C:\Users\Whitson), since console will use its program folder by default. Now, when you open a new tab, you can choose to either open a Cygwin tab or a Windows Command Prompt tab, which is pretty convenient—especially because then you'll get all of Console's copy/paste and text selection benefits in the Windows Command Prompt, too.

Step Four: Get Ta-weaking

How Can I Make the Windows Command Prompt Better?
Lastly, you can go nuts configuring your new terminal to your liking. The first thing I did was head into Appearance (or "Looks" on Mintty) and get rid of the absurdly bolt fonts, since all it did was take up space. I also like to make my Terminal somewhat transparent, so I can see the window behind it, since the window behind it is often is a list of commands I need to run (and then I don't need to constantly switch between windows). You can even make it copy text as soon as you select it, which is under Console's Behavior tab and Mintty's Mouse tab. Dig around in the settings and see if there's anything else you want to change. There's a lot of handy stuff in there, and it'll make your life a heck of a lot easier when it comes time to do some command line work.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

How to Log into Your Computer Automatically

Setting up your computer to automatically log you in can save you the time and hassle of entering your password each time you start up. Here's how to automatically login for Windows and Mac users.
First, a few notes: Setting an automatic login is best when you're not too concerned about security—for example, your desktop computer at home where you don't store any confidential information and/or use security precautions like password managers for signing onto websites. It's definitely not a good idea to set up auto login on a laptop, since it's more easily vulnerable to loss or theft. Also, if you have more than one user account on the computer, the auto login feature can be more of a hassle for other people because they'll have to log you off and log on to their accounts each time.
But if your computer is in a secure location and you're the only one using it, auto login can be very convenient.

Windows XP, Vista, and 7

  • Click Start then type in the search box netplwiz and hit Enter. (On Windows XP, you may instead need to go to Start, then Run... and enter control userpasswords2 instead of "netplwiz")
  • In the Advanced User Accounts window that opens, uncheck the box next to "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer." Hit Enter or click OK
  • A new dialog box will prompt you to enter the username and password (twice) for the account to automatically log into every time you start Windows. Once you've done this, hit OK, then OK again to complete the process.
To undo this process, go back to Start and type in "netplwiz" then re-check the option for requiring a user name and password.

Mac OS X

Configuring your Mac to log in automatically when it starts up is very simple.
  • Open System Preferences and click Users & Groups
  • Click the Login Options button on the bottom of the left pane.
  • Click the dropdown box next to Automatc login to select the account to automatically log into.
  • Enter the password when prompted and hit OK

How to Install a New Program on Your Computer

So you've just discovered a great new calendar, music player, or other program and you want to install it on your machine. Here's how to do it on both Windows and Mac OS X.

On Windows

Installing a new program on Windows is pretty simple. Just head to the program's web site . Usually, this downloads an installer package, which you'll use to install the program itself. Find out where you saved the installer, and double-click on it. This will start the install wizard.
Every install wizard is a little different, but generally it just involves hitting "next" a number of times. That said, here are some things you want to watch out for:
  • Instal Type: You'll often be asked to perform a "typical" or a "custom" install (or some variation thereof). In pretty much every situation, a typical install should be just fine.
  • Install Location: By default, the installer will probably want to put your program in C:\Program Files\[NAME OF PROGRAM]. Again, the default location is fine.

  •  Bundled Software: This is one you really want to watch out for. Sometimes, an installer will ask you if you want to install an extra, unrelated piece of software, like the Ask Toolbar or Weatherbug, that you don't want. Make sure, as you go through the install wizard, that you watch out for this type of stuff. Often, they'll try to trick you into installing it by saying something like, "do you want to accept the terms of use and install the Ask Toolbar?" It's okay to reject that terms of use, since it's the terms of use for the Ask Toolbar—not for the software you're installing. Keep an eye out, and uncheck any packaged crapware you come across.
  • Shortcuts: Usually, at the end of an installation, it'll ask you if you want to create a shortcut on the desktop and/or the Start Menu. I usually like to keep my desktop clean, so I uncheck this option, but make sure you always create a shortcut in the Start Menu so you can easily access that program whenever you want.
That's it! It should take a minute or two for the program to install, but once it's done, you should be able to find it in Start > All Programs. You can even pin it to the Windows 7 taskbar if you want quick access to it. You can now delete the original installer package from your Downloads folder; you don't need that anymore.

On a Mac

Installing a program on a Mac is super easy, but it isn't always self-explanatory. When you download a program from a web site, it'll usually download as a .dmg file. Find the .dmg file you just downloaded and double click on it. It will "mount" that .dmg file as a white disk on your desktop, and open up a new window with the program inside. It might also have a shortcut to the Applications folder, in which case you can just drag the icon onto the Applications folder.

If the window that pops up doesn't have a shortcut to the Applications folder, go to File > New Window to open a new Finder window, then click on Applications in the left-hand sidebar. Drag the program's icon into your newly opened Applications window.

Once you've dragged the app into your Applications folder, you can close both windows. Right-click on the white disk icon on your desktop (which will have the same name as the program you just installed), and hit Eject. Then, delete the original .dmg file you downloaded. You won't need this anymore, since the program is now on your hard drive. To access it, just open up the Finder, go to Applications, and the program should be in there. You can even add it to your dock if you want quick access to it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Website that Ranks your Hacks

So you think you can hack?

Some 700 hackers looking to show off their talents have piled into an upstart Web site called in the last month. Emerging from the shadowy underground, they have submitted evidence of more than 1,200 Web site hacks, eager to have their feats measured against those of their peers.

The site was created by a hacker nicknamed Solar to bring a little accountability to the online forums and chat rooms where hackers gather to learn tricks of the trade, buy and sell contraband and form alliances. There, eBay-style ratings systems meant to establish reputations are routinely abused, morality tends to be fluid and anonymous young people often talk big while carrying a small stick.

RankMyHack offers a way to separate the skilled from the so-called script kiddies by verifying hacks using codes that participants must plant somewhere on sites they have compromised. As in a video game, RankMyHack awards points, which are based on the popularity of the hacked site and the technical difficulty of the hack. Total scores determine hackers’ ranks on the “leader board of legends.” Players can even challenge one another to duels.

“So have you got what it takes to be the best?” Solar taunts on the site’s home page, which has a distinctively retro design.

Participants can also win “bo

5 Reasons Why Cloud Computing Might be Dangerous

Cloud Computing
This is now, officially, the 21st century Internet and it is a new world; “the Internet IS the computer” is a phrase that has been circulating among IT pros for a long time. Unfortunately, with what we have begun to learn about security on the Internet, cloud computing-with all of its appeal-may be the number one danger itself. The technology is new and the threats on the Internet are too well-seasoned to avoid the conclusion that cloud computing should be approached with caution. While many of the current big name providers are relatively safe, a growing number of second and third tier providers may not be. Why? Contemplate the following:

Application Vulnerabilities : Cloud Computing

In any market as growth oriented as this one, cost cutting is a reality. Nevertheless, when mission critical business data and user authentication information is at risk, cost cutting can lead to the need for loss mitigation services. New service providers stressed to produce can leave holes in their cloud platform, which can lead to break-ins, or worse.

Cloud Abuse : Cloud Computing

There will always be the less scrupulous and when money is flowing, the less scrupulous grow like fungus. Expect to see small cloud providers exposed as less than trustworthy. At the very least, they may end up hosting malicious software and, at worst, the provider may be the culprit. While this may be the rarest of situations, the threat is very serious.

The Inside Job : Cloud computing

With cloud computing so popular, providers are under pressure to staff up, which is the ultimate opportunity for a malicious individual to score a job and break-in from the inside. The potential for damage is vast, with businesses hosting vital information online, or worse, using a remote back up service. With teams of hackers increasingly common to see, this could already be a big problem and we might not even know it.

Data Loss

Quality of service and reliability of data in the cloud is one of the biggest issues, period. As competition grows, the likelihood of lower-end providers suffering facilities loss or data loss increases. This can come from maintenance cost reduction and outsourcing, for example. While many middle tier providers use large-scale outsourcing, such as Amazon E2, there is no guarantee that they will use it right, especially if they are struggling to survive in heated up market.

Company Failure

What happens to your data backups if the provider suddenly goes out of business? As you can imagine, the data backups are gone. Companies trying to grow are unlikely to alert their customer base that they might need to have a back-up plan to their paid back ups. Reseller firms of wholesale capacity from first tier service providers, such as Amazon exist, and there is always the possibility that their provider would go lights out as well.
It’s easy enough to answer the statement, “Give me 5 reasons why the Internet is dangerous,” so why is it that everyone argues over whether or not cloud computing is as dangerous as the Internet, when they are practically the same exact thing? One could just rewrite the same five reasons and apply it to the two statements and this was true many years ago when cloud computing was an exotic experiment.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lock any Folder without using any Software

To Lock a folder in windows XP without any software. Follow the steps Below.

1. Make a Folder in C drive rename it as "abc" without quotes.
2. Now open Command Prompt from Start Menu.
3. Type "attrib +s +h C:\abc" without quotes and press enter.
4. This command will Make your folder invisble and it can not be seen even in hidden files and folders
5. To make it visible again type "attrib -s -h C:\abc"
6. You can lock any other folder also by changing the location C:\abc to address of your folder.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Vanguard Defense: New Target for AntiSec Hackers

The hacktivist group AntiSec says it has released a gigabyte of private documents from Vanguard Defense Industries, including e-mails from an executive connected with an organization it has targeted previously.
In a post on Pastebin this morning, AntiSec said the e-mails belong to Richard Garcia, a senior vice president at Vanguard who is also a board member at InfraGard, an FBI program that teams up public and private cybersecurity efforts. In June, AntiSec affiliate LulzSec hacked the Web site of InfraGard Atlanta, releasing passwords and other sensitive information. 

Describing InfraGard as "a sinister alliance," AntiSec gloated about this latest breach:
It is our pleasure to make a mockery of InfraGard for the third time, once again dumping their internal meeting notes, membership rosters, and other private business matters.
Within the booty you may find lots of shiny things as we did not have time to follow up on all the data. Safe to say, that despite previous disclosure in the media...Mr. Garcia did not bother to change any of his many many passwords found in his spool at the time of this release. So here's also a shoutout to all Lulz Lizards still following our mischiefs: Have fun with the data of Mr. Garcia, former Assistant Director to the L.A. FBI office who now sells his cybersecurity "skills" to the Military and Government for brazen amounts of money.
Vanguard, based in Conroe, Texas, makes an unmanned aerial vehicle called the ShadowHawk, used in commercial as well as law enforcement and military settings, and also provides security consulting services.
Representatives of Vanguard were not immediately available for comment.

AntiSec said the new breach was perpetrated "not only to cause embarrassment and disruption to Vanguard Defense Industries, but to send a strong message to the hacker community" that it will continue to target military contractors, law enforcement agencies, and "white hat sellouts," a reference to hackers who work with police and other establishment groups.

Earlier this month, AntiSec issued a "Shooting Sheriffs Saturday Release" of what it said was 10GB of data stolen from U.S. law enforcement agencies, including private e-mails, passwords, data from informants, Social Security numbers, and credit card information.

YouTube adds Google+ Hangout Button to its Videos

Hangout video sharing is one of Google+'s more appealing features -- not that we use it often, but when it comes to things to do in an online social gathering, watching YouTube clips would certainly rank near the top. Now you can launch Hangouts directly from YouTube, rather than heading over to Google+ and pasting in a link. Sure, it's a simple tweak that probably took less than an hour to code, but it's a clever addition nonetheless.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Trick Update facebook status via android or blackberry

Do you want to know how to update your Facebook status via iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, Andriod or even from your Washing Machine or TV? Or do you want to update it via satellite? This is not a joke; well this is half-meant. What I wanted to share with you is how you can update your Facebook status with the mentioned devices without actually having them. You can play tricks with your friends making them think that you actually have these devices or you’re actually sending them updates from your washing machine or other device..

The following list uses Facebook ’s prompt_feed.php and with the use of the API key, it enables you to send your status. Of course you need to login first to Facebook before you can actually use these.
No need to click stupid "joint" or "allow" to update your status, fully safety!!
Feel free to try and test them, just click the link below:

via android
via BlackBerry
via iPhone
via iPad
via washing machine
via satellite
via TweetDeck for iPhone
via Snaptu
via Windows Phone
via Foursquare
via Ninja Saga
via Mafia Wars
via Calculator
via Nokia 3310
via Nokia 3315
via Bluetooth
via Nintendo Wii
via McDonald's
via Google
via Yahoo!
via YouTube
via Windows Live Messenger
via Friendster
via China Phone

Sample screenshot :

Processor Selection Guide For Servers,Business & Gaming

When it comes to processor considerations, the home users falls into one of the two categories – The Gaming Enthusiastic and Regular Work users who are budget conscious. Budget PC owners would use their computer for surfing the web,doing home accounting and Microsoft word related job. On the other hand gamers would push their PC beyond the needs of a regular productivity applications.
processor selection for gaming
A CAD/Visual Modelling user would want the same high CPU(128bit or more) performance that the gamer lusts for. Differentiation becomes sharper when you consider complete PC solutions. For example where a gamer could make do with 8GB of RAM, while the CAD user working with large drawings could use all the RAM he/she can afford. Since complete system are not our focus here, these categories can be grouped together.

Enterprise Servers

processor for business  
You can easily get away with a Athlon X2 Dual Core CPU’s or Intel’s Core 2 Duo Processors  for small networks. Top of the line systems are needed only by the most intensive applications. For example Enterprise data servers and terminal servers supporting thin clients are always CPU starved. For Such Strenuous usage, the Intel® Xeon® Processor Series still rules supreme. Offering Generous level 8 MB – 12 MB of L2 cache per processor with multiprocessing capability, They are only options for high End Needs.


If all your business demands from your PC is a little accounting and web surfing, just about any processor will do fine – the Anthlon X2 gives exceptional vale for money. For more intensive spreadsheet and graphics/studio work needs, go in for a Intel Core 2 Duo or Intel Corei3 or Intel Corei7 processors.


budget processor small network 
Over the years, games have always been at the forefront of technology. Constantly enhancing realism and creating even more immersive environments, they are biggest processors hogs. Consequently, a serious gamers need a high end processor the Amd Phenom IIx6 Series Processors are best choice if you want to save some money otherwise Intel I7 920 is just more than enough what you need for gaming.


On a decent budget AMD Athlon is the processor of choice, offering great performance at low cost.
When you choose a processor, make sure you put in the same careful consideration into choosing components that compliment its capabilities. Only then you can get the most out of your machine.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mozilla Firefox 6 Final Now Available For Download

It’s not been so long that Mozilla released Firefox 5 final version for public, but today we have great news for Firefox lovers as Firefox 6 final is now available for Download on Mac, Windows and Linux via Mozilla FTP servers. It’s not available officially now but will be available anytime soon this week.

Firefox 6 Final does not bring any new changes to UI (User Interface). But though the new version bring alot of speed improvement while using the browser almost 20% faster than the previous Firefox 5.

Keep in mind that there’s a small chance that this allegedly “final” build is updated before it’s released to the public this week, yet that’s very unlikely unless major issues are found. While the welcome page still mentions “Firefox 6 Beta”, don’t be fooled, Mozilla just hasn’t updated said page yet. This latest stable Final version offers more stability and improvements than the former test builds. So, Download it and upgrade your current version of Firefox. Job Portal)Hacked !! By T@j And @p3X Pr3d@t0r

On Late 14th Aug Night ….Which turned out to be a nightmare for (Pak Based Job Portal) When T@J And @p3X Pr34@t0r Hit………


The Reason For their Hack Was Unknown ……..But They Call It PATRIOTISM…..
According to @p3X Pr3Dat0r….. “If They Can Hack Us Easily, Same Implies To Them”

According to mirror service ….these hacks were added in the name of  ”Technical Rainbows” Is One of the job portals of pakistan..
In the End ,T@j and Ap3X Pr3d470r says” Freedom Is Not Given It Is Taken -Happy Independence Day 2011 To All India”

View Defacement Here-

[via starthack ] Hacked By Ap3X Pr3d470r and t@j

According To One The Group Members of Technical Rainbows ,
The was hacked before ,
the most time it took is by the Ap3X Pr3d470r

To Upload The VIDEO………Which Got A Message For The Admins Of The Website …..
According to the sources …
“the video contained a picture of indian soldiers hoisting flag of india on a cliff.
and the background music of the video said ” JAN GAN MAN ” national anthem of india……”

Site Was Completely Made Empty And Everything Else Was Deleted …
Also The sources told that-
“Technical Rainbows are pulling such kinda attacks because the same had been done by the other sources of that country”

Happy Independence Day!!

You Can View The Defacement Proof Here-

[via starthack]

What is HTTP, Role of HTTP in Web and HTTP Status Codes

There are two main modes of transferring file over the World Wide Web, one is FTP (file transfer protocol) and other is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Which is the set of rules for transferring files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the World Wide Web. As soon as a Web user opens their Web browser, the user is indirectly making use of HTTP. HTTP is an application protocol that runs on top of the TCP/IP suite of protocols. Whereas, FTP is used to transfer bulk files
How HTTP works

We submitted URL (universal resource locator) in the URL bar and hits enter, Then our browser send HTTP requests to the web server for the web pages. Web server serves the HTTP request by convert that page in to appropriate form that our web browser can read and send the result via HTTP response. So HTTP is a medium to communicate to the web server. One more thing some server sends HTTP cookies on the web browser, in which all the personal setting and login data of user is stored.
There are various HTTP status codes to maintain the internet standards and helpful to sort out the problem. HTTP status codes are divides in to four major categories.
  • 100-101 Intermediate Status
  • 200-206 Successful Response
  • 300-307 Redirects
  • 400-417 Request Errors
  • 500-505 Server Errors
The details of these HTTP status codes are:
  • 100-101 Intermediate Status
100 continue The server returns this code to indicate that it has received the first part of a request and is waiting for the rest.
101 switching protocol The requester has asked the server to switch protocols
  • 200-206 Successful Response
200 Successful The server successfully processed the request
201 created the server created a new resource
202 accepted request is accepted and under processing.
203 Non-authoritative information The server processed the request, but is returning information that may be from another source
204 No content Server not returning any content after processing request
205 reset content response requires that the requester reset the document view. after facing 204 status code.
206 Partial content The server successfully processed a partial GET request.
  • 300-307 Redirects
300 Multiple choices There are multiple choices for users.
301 Moved permanently In future user will be redirected to the given url
302 Moved temporarily Temporarily user will be directed to the given url
303 See other location For all requests other than a HEAD request, the server automatically forwards to the other location.
304 Not modified The requested page hasn’t been modified since the last request.
305 Use proxy The requester can only access the requested page using a proxy.
306 Switch Proxy No longer used.
307 Temporary redirect The request should be repeated with another URI, but future requests can still use the original URI.
  • 400-417 Request Errors
400 Bad request The request cannot be fulfilled. because it is inappropriate.
401 not authorized specifically for use when authentication is possible but has failed.
402 Payment Required No longer used
403 forbidden Access decline due to unauthorized.
404 Not found When no results found as per query or URL provided by user
405 method not allowed The method specified in the request is not in the correct form.
406 Not acceptable The requested page can’t respond with the content characteristics requested
407 proxy authentication required Need to authenticate with proxy
408 Request timeout Request is not processed in the appropriate time interval
409 conflict When request conflict occurs
410 Gone Indicates that the resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again
411 length required The server won’t accept the request without a valid Content-Length header field
412 Precondition failed request fails to fulfill the precondition that are required by web server
413 request entity too large Server is not able to process too long request
414 Requested URI is too long Server can’t process long query string.
415 unsupported media type The request is in a format not support by the requested page
416 Requested range not satisfiable The server returns this status code if the request is for a range not available for the page
417Expectation failed server failed to process what ever the request expect by the client

  • 500-505 Server Errors
500 internal server error Server fails to interpreters the HTTP request. 

501 Not implemented When request is partially completed or can’t be send to client

502 bad gateway Server gateway is nor responding

503 Service unavailable server  is temporary out of service

504 gateway timeout Didn’t receive timely response from upstream server.

505 HTTP version not supported The server doesn’t support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.
I hope the concept of HTTP is very clear to you.

SuperCopier: A Lightning Fast Windows Alternate File Copier

If you’re looking for an alternative to the native Windows file copier, SuperCopier is lightning fast, customizable, and includes features like file prioritization.

The default handler in Windows Vista/7 is light years ahead of the clunk handler found in earlier versions of Windows. It’s still, however, kludgy at best and leaves little room for customization. SuperCopier not only copies files faster between locations but includes really great features like the ability to prioritize a file in the queue. Let’s say you’re copying a huge batch of files from one drive to another and you realize that you need a few of the files to copy first. You can easily jump into the copy queue in SuperCopier and bump them up to the top of the list. SuperCopier also keeps an error log, allows for speed limiting, custom responses to file collisions and copy errors, and the ability to keep the copy window open after the file transfer for review of errors and other information.

SuperCopier is freeware, Windows only.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What is Network Attached Storage (NAS) server


Network-attached storage (NAS) is file-level computer data storage connected to a computer network providing data access to heterogeneous clients.”  If that sounds too technical then in layman’s language a NAS is simply a  server that is dedicated to nothing more than file sharing.
Simply speaking  using a traditional LAN protocol such as TCP/IP over Ethernet, the NAS enables additional storage to be quickly added by plugging it into a network hub or switch.
NAS does not provide any of the activities that a server in a server-centric system typically provides, such as e-mail,authentication or file management,however these services maybe later added as a add-on.

So why do we need a NAS:

Well just consider a business that has more than one employee and that has tonnes of data in its server,if that business decides to move from one location to other,then it has to take all its data with it. It would be really great option if all this data was centralized and could be accessed from anywhere but for a small business that option is not a practical one considering the cost of a file server, or an additional license  of Windows server 2003,or a support license of Linux for that matter. Now this is where the NAS steps in to provide a reliable and cheap solution to your data-storage needs.They often include built-in features such as disk space quotas, secure authentication, or the automatic sending of email alerts should an error be detected.

So how does a NAS work:

Well traditionally like a  file servers, NAS follows a client-server design. A single hardware device, often called the NAS box or NAS head, acts as the interface between the NAS and network clients.These devices run on an embedded OS . Single or multiple hard drives can be connected to a NAS . A client usually connects to the NAS head and not directly to the storage device, a client often connects using Ethernet connection,and thus a NAS  appears as a single ‘node’ in the network often the IP address of the NAS device.With a NAS device, storage is not an integral part of the server. Instead, in this storage-centric design, the server still handles all of the processing of data but a NAS device delivers the data to the user. A NAS device does not need to be located within the server but can exist anywhere in a LAN.

Network Attached Storage Network Attached Storage

Communication with the NAS head occurs with TCP/IP . The two file-based protocols most commonly associated with NAS are Sun Network File System (NFS) and Common Internet File System (CIFS).
NFS was developed for UNIX based systems to transfer files over LAN.
The CIFS was formerly known as Server Message Block (SMB). SMB was developed by IBM and Microsoft to support file sharing in DOS.
Many NAS systems today support HTTP as a protocol to enable you to browse content using the browser.
Other Network protocols used to serve NAS:

Why is NAS cheaper :

Well a NAS is cheaper because of various factors like  it runs a stripped-down operating system,often FreeNAS. And  at the same time it offers very limited services when compared to a full-fledged file-server.
If you are considering to buy a NAS for yourself you may consider paying a visit to following reviews of NAS by PC magazine and CNET.

HTTPS Everywhere 1.0: Very Useful Firefox Extension

I reviewed one of the first versions of HTTPS Everywhere for the Firefox web browser back in the middle of 2010. The Firefox extension, which forced https connections to a handful of supported web pages, has come a long way since then. The developers today have announced the release of HTTPS Everywhere 1.0 which includes support for over 1,000 web sites. Among the supported websites are previously supported sites like Google Search, Facebook or Wikipedia, and new services and pages like all blogs, Nintendo, Netflix, Dropbox or the UN website.

The extension is useful in situations where websites support both the http and https protocol without a clear distinction between the two protocols, or options to always use https when a user is connecting to the website.

HTTPS Everywhere basically ensures that https is always used when connecting to one of the supported properties. Connections that are initiated by the user via http are automatically switched over to https in this case.

The add-on options list all supported websites and services. It offers a search to find a specific site and a switch to enable or disable the https redirection.

Web users who know their way around regular expressions can even create their own rulesets to add support for websites and services that are not included in the default site listing.

New users to HTTPS Everywhere should take a look at the extensive FAQ section at the development site over at for detailed information about the add-on and how it protects the user.

It may happen that HTTPS Everywhere breaks some part of a website, which can usually be attributed to inconsistent support for HTTPS on those sites. The only option then is to disable the rule and report the problem to the company or individual running the website.

HTTPS Everywhere can be installed directly from the EFF website. Cautious users can look at the source code of the project which is also available on the project site.

Windows 7 on iPhone !!!

Windows 7 is now on iPhone !!!!
Though it doesnot have as many features but its just a starting
just download the app iWindows from cydia and you are set to go !!!!!

Phones Running Google's Android are Prone to Hacking: Experts

A mobile security expert says he has found new ways for hackers to attack phones running Google Inc's Android operating system.

Riley Hassell, who caused a stir when he called off an appearance at a hacker's conference last week, told Reuters that he and his colleague Shane Macaulay decided not to lay out their research at the gathering for fear criminals would use it attack Android phones.

He said in an interview he identified more than a dozen widely used Android applications that make the phones vulnerable to attack.

"App developers frequently fail to follow security guidelines and write applications properly," he said.

"Some apps expose themselves to outside contact. If these apps are vulnerable, then an attacker can remotely compromise that app and potentially the phone using something as simple as a text message."

He declined to identify those apps, saying he fears hackers might exploit the vulnerabilities.

"When you release a threat and there's no patch ready, then there is mayhem," said Hassell, founder of boutique security firm Privateer Labs.

Hassell said he and Macaulay alerted Google to the software shortcomings they unearthed.

Google spokesman Jay Nancarrow said Android security experts discussed the research with Hassell and did not believe he had uncovered problems with Android.

"The identified bugs are not present in Android," he said, declining to elaborate.

It was the first public explanation for the failure of Hassell and Macaulay to make a scheduled presentation at the annual Black Hat hacking conference in Las Vegas, the hacking community's largest annual gathering.

They had been scheduled to talk about "Hacking Androids for Profit." Hundreds of people waited for them to show up at a crowded conference room.

Hassell said in an interview late on Thursday the pair also learned -- at the last minute -- that some of their work may have replicated previously published research and they wanted to make sure they properly acknowledged that work.

"This was a choice we made, to prevent an unacceptable window of risk to consumers worldwide and to guarantee credit where it was due," he said.

A mobile security researcher familiar with the work of Hassell and Macaulay said he understood why the pair decided not to disclose their findings.

"When something can be used for exploitation and there is no way to fix it, it is very dangerous to go out publicly with that information," the researcher said. "When there is not a lot that people can do to protect themselves, disclosure is sometimes not the best policy."

Hassell said he plans to give his talk at the Hack in The Box security conference in Kuala Lumpur in October.

RamMap: List All Files Currently In Windows RAM

Have you ever wondered about the files that Windows is holding in memory? I’m not talking about the processes or applications, but the actual files that are in computer memory. This includes the list of system fonts that are loaded in memory, the dynamic link libraries or the system drivers.

The free system tool RamMap can be used to display those information, and a lot more. The program is compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7, and not Windows XP. It is also compatible with the server variants from Windows Server 2008 on.

rammap windows memory

When you start the program for the first time you will see a tab based interface that displays information about processes, use counts, physical pages and a file summary.
Here is a short description of each tab:
  • Use Counts: usage summary by type and paging list
  • Processes: process working set sizes
  • Priority Summary: prioritized standby list sizes
  • Physical Pages: per-page use for all physical memory
  • Physical Ranges: physical memory addresses
  • File Summary: file data in RAM by file
  • File Details: individual physical pages by file
The file summary tab displays the file data that is currently in the memory. When you switch to that tab you will see a large list of files with their paths, file names and memory information. You can click on a header to sort the table. A click on path for instance sorts by file path which is helpful if you are looking for specific files in Ram. You could also look at the biggest files in RAM with a click on Total, Standby or Active.

Why can a file listing like this be helpful? You could for instance use it to determine if certain files or programs use up a lot of memory when they are running. You could find system drivers or fonts that you do not need to see how much space in RAM they use. Could also be very helpful for software developers who need to analyze their program’s memory usage.

RamMap is more of a tool for advanced users. Having said that, it can still be useful for users who are not that tech savvy. Windows users can download RamMap from the Microsoft Technet website.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Download Your Favorite Security Software With New Free "Security Software Downloader"

The first version of Security Software Downloader was released in 2010. The program allows Windows users to download security software comfortably from the program interface. That’s handy especially on new systems, on systems that need a change in security software and PCs that are infected by malware that the installed antivirus software cannot remove.

Security Software Downloader 2 has just been released by its developers. The program itself is still Open Source and compatible with all 32-bit and 64-bit editions of the Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 operating system.

The first change that users will notice is the new and improved user interface which now separates security software in groups like free antivirus, malware removal or firewalls.
That’s better than the all on one page approach of the program’s predecessors.

security software downloader

The program is set to auto detect the operating system and version of the operating system. Users can make the changes manually which is helpful if the auto detection did not detect the correct OS and version.

Software can be selected with a click in the adjacent check box. It is possible to select multiple programs at once. A click on the download button downloads all selected security applications to the operating system. Windows users who do not want the programs to be downloaded to their desktop should click on the 

Change Download Dir button to change the save location.
The program is not providing any information about the security software in its interface. A website button next to each program links directly to the program homepage on the Internet.

So what is new in Security Software Downlader? The developer has added support for additional programs, raising the number of applications to over 50. Among the new tools are Panda Internet Security, the password manager LastPass, Spybot Search & Destroy and CyberGhost VPN.


Security Software Downloader is still a handy program for users who would like to download multiple security applications at once from the Internet. It can also be handy for users who want to discover and test new products.
SSDownloader can be downloaded from the project website over at Sourceforge.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tricks to Remove PDF Password and other Restriction

DO YOU WANT TO REMOVE PASSWORD, COPYWRITE PROTECTION FROM YOUR PDF FILE HERE IS THE SOLUTION .THANKS TO THESE GREAT WONDERFUL WEBSITES is a free website that allows you to view restricted Pdf files.Use this site to remove passwords and restrictions (such as printing, copying text, etc.) from PDFs.

Note: This only works for PDF FILE that you open and read without any Third party plugins. PDF file that require a password to be viewed cannot be unlocked by this service.
This is because this is not cracking. Viewable PDFs with restrictions are not really protected, no more than a door with a broken lock, as opposed to password-protected PDFs.

Another great site which allows you to hack a Pdf password.To unlock a PDF file, enter it's location in the "PDF file to unlock" field, by either typing it in the field or clicking on the "browse" button, then navigating to it's location.

The unlocked version of the PDF will be displayed in a new browser window, opened in the default PDF application for your system (usually Adobe Acrobat Reader)

All DOS Command List......

Here are list of some useful DOS commands. May be you know some of them and dnt know others. So just go through them.


ADDUSERS Add or list users to / from a CSV file.

ARP Address Resolution Protocol

ASSOC Change file extension associations.

ASSOCIAT One step file association.

AT Schedule a command to run at a later time.

ATTRIB Change file attributes.


BOOTCFG Edit Windows boot settings.

BROWSTAT Get domain, browser and PDC info.


CACLS Change file permissions.

CALL Call one batch program from another.

CD Change Directory - move to a specific Folder.

CHANGE Change Terminal Server Session properties.

CHKDSK Check Disk - check and repair disk problems.

CHKNTFS Check the NTFS file system.

CHOICE Accept keyboard input to a batch file.

CIPHER Encrypt or Decrypt files/folders.

CleanMgr Automated cleanup of Temp files, recycle bin.

CLEARMEM Clear memory leaks.

CLIP Copy STDIN to the Windows clipboard.

CLS Clear the screen.

CLUSTER Windows Clustering.

CMD Start a new CMD shell.

COLOR Change colors of the CMD window.

COMP Compare the contents of two files or sets of files.

COMPACT Compress files or folders on an NTFS partition.

COMPRESS Compress individual files on an NTFS partition.

CON2PRT Connect or disconnect a Printer.

CONVERT Convert a FAT drive to NTFS.

COPY Copy one or more files to another location.

CSCcmd Client-side caching (Offline Files).

CSVDE Import or Export Active Directory data.


DATE Display or set the date.

Dcomcnfg DCOM Configuration Utility.

DEFRAG Defragment hard drive.

DEL Delete one or more files.

DELPROF Delete NT user profiles.

DELTREE Delete a folder and all subfolders

DevCon Device Manager Command Line Utility.

DIR Display a list of files and folders.

DIRUSE Display disk usage.

DISKCOMP Compare the contents of two floppy disks.

DISKCOPY Copy the contents of one floppy disk to another.

DISKPART Disk Administration.

DNSSTAT DNS Statistics.

DOSKEY Edit command line, recall commands, and create macros.

DSADD Add user (computer, group..) to active directory.

DSQUERY List items in active directory.

DSMOD Modify user (computer, group..) in active directory.


CHO Display message on screen.

ENDLOCAL End localisation of environment changes in a batch file.

ERASE Delete one or more files.

EXIT Quit the current script/routine and set an errorlevel.

EXPAND Uncompress file.

EXTRACT Uncompress CAB files.


FC Compare two files.

FIND Search for a text string in a file.

FINDSTR Search for strings in files.

FOR /F Loop command: against a set of files.

FOR /F Loop command: against the results of another command.

FOR Loop command: all options Files, Directory, List.

FORFILES Batch process multiple files.

FORMAT Format a disk.

FREEDISK Check free disk space (in bytes).

FSUTIL File and Volume utilities.

FTP File Transfer Protocol.

FTYPE Display or modify file types used in file extension associations.


GLOBAL Display membership of global groups.

GOTO Direct a batch program to jump to a labelled line.


HELP Online Help.


IF Conditionally perform a command.

IFMEMBER Is the current user in an NT Workgroup.

IPCONFIG Configure IP.


KILL Remove a program from memory.


LABEL Edit a disk label.

LOCAL Display membership of local groups.

LOGEVENT Write text to the NT event viewer.

LOGOFF Log a user off

LOGTIME Log the date and time in a file


MAPISEND Send email from the command line.

MBSAcli Baseline Security Analyzer.

MEM Display memory usage.

MD Create new folders.

MKLINK Create a symbolic link (linkd).

MODE Configure a system device.

MORE Display output, one screen at a time.

MOUNTVOL Manage a volume mount point.

MOVE Move files from one folder to another.

MOVEUSER Move a user from one domain to another.

MSG Send a message.

MSIEXEC Microsoft Windows Installer.

MSINFO Windows NT diagnostics.

MSTSC Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol).

MUNGE Find and Replace text within file(s).

MV Copy in-use files.


NET Manage network resources.

NETDOM Domain Manager.

NETSH Configure network protocols.

NETSVC Command-line Service Controller.

NBTSTAT Display networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP).

NETSTAT Display networking statistics (TCP/IP).

NOW Display the current Date and Time.

NSLOOKUP Name server lookup.

NTBACKUP Backup folders to tape.

NTRIGHTS Edit user account rights.


PATH Display or set a search path for executable files.

PATHPING Trace route plus network latency and packet loss.

PAUSE Suspend processing of a batch file and display a message.

PERMS Show permissions for a user.

PERFMON Performance Monitor.

PING Test a network connection.

POPD Restore the previous value of the current directory saved by PUSHD.

PORTQRY Display the status of ports and services.

PRINT Print a text file.

PRNCNFG Display, configure or rename a printer.

PRNMNGR Add, delete, list printers set the default printer.

PROMPT Change the command prompt.

PsExec Execute process remotely.

PsFile Show files opened remotely.

PsGetSid Display the SID of a computer or a user

PsInfo List information about a system.

PsKill Kill processes by name or process ID.

PsList List detailed information about processes.

PsLoggedOn Who's logged on (locally or via resource sharing).

PsLogList Event log records.

PsPasswd Change account password.

PsService View and control services.

PsShutdown Shutdown or reboot a computer.

PsSuspend Suspend processes.

PUSHD Save and then change the current directory.


QGREP Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern.


RASDIAL Manage RAS connections.

RASPHONE Manage RAS connections.

RECOVER Recover a damaged file from a defective disk..

REG Registry: Read, Set, Export, Delete keys and values.

REGEDIT Import or export registry settings.

REGSVR32 Register or unregister a DLL.

REGINI Change Registry Permissions.

REM Record comments (remarks) in a batch file.

REN Rename a file or files.

REPLACE Replace or update one file with another.

RD Delete folder(s).

RMTSHARE Share a folder or a printer.

ROBOCOPY Robust File and Folder Copy.

ROUTE Manipulate network routing tables.

RUNAS Execute a program under a different user account.

RUNDLL32 Run a DLL command (add/remove print connections).


SC Service Control.

SCHTASKS Create or Edit Scheduled Tasks.

SCLIST Display NT Services.

SET Display, set, or remove environment variables.

SETLOCAL Control the visibility of environment variables.

SETX Set environment variables permanently.

SHARE List or edit a file share or print share.

SHIFT Shift the position of replaceable parameters in a batch file.

SHORTCUT Create a windows shortcut (.LNK file).

SHOWGRPS List the NT Workgroups a user has joined.

SHOWMBRS List the Users who are members of a Workgroup.

SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer.

SLEEP Wait for x seconds.

SOON Schedule a command to run in the near future.

SORT Sort input.

START Start a program or command in a separate window

SU Switch User.

SUBINACL Edit file and folder Permissions, Ownership and Domain

SUBST Associate a path with a drive letter.

SYSTEMINFO List system configuration.


TASKLIST List running applications and services.

TASKKILL Remove a running process from memory.

TIME Display or set the system time.

TIMEOUT Delay processing of a batch file.

TITLE Set the window title for a CMD.EXE session.

TLIST Task list with full path.

TOUCH Change file timestamps.

TRACERT Trace route to a remote host.

TREE Graphical display of folder structure.

TYPE Display the contents of a text file.


USRSTAT List domain usernames and last login.


VER Display version information.

VERIFY Verify that files have been saved.

VOL Display a disk label.


WHERE Locate and display files in a directory tree.

WHOAMI Output the current UserName and domain.

WINDIFF Compare the contents of two files or sets of files.

WINMSD Windows system diagnostics.

WINMSDP Windows system diagnostics II.

WMIC WM I Commands.


XCACLS Change file permissions.

XCOPY Copy files and folders.

Internet LOCK.......

internet lock

Use Internet Lock to control internet access, block or password protect internet connection and internet programs: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Messenger, Outlook… Internet Lock is the access control and password protection solution for your internet connections and programs. With Internet Lock, you can control the internet connections and programs on your computer. Internet Lock can password protect or block any kind of internet programs from accessing internet, for example: password protects all web browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox etc.[Download]

Sunday, August 7, 2011

War Texting Allows Hackers To Unlock Car Doors Via SMS

Senior iSec researcher Don Bailey has developed an exploit which can allow the attacker to unlock car doors, hack car alarm system and even start their car, this method has been named as "War Texting", it took a time span of less than two hours for Don Bailey to hijack into Car's Alaram system and remotely start the car.

Resources claim that bailey will demonstrate this hack next week in Black Hat Security Conference at Los vegas where he will show the live demonstration of this attack. The presentation is named as "War Texting"

According To ISEC partners

We are seeing more GSM [Global System for Mobile Communications]-enabled systems popping up in consumer culture and industrial control systems. They're not just in Zoombak [Global Positioning System] location devices and personal security control systems, but also in sensors deployed for waste treatment facilities, SCADA [Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition] and call-back systems, physical security systems, industrial control systems

Shaify Mehta -  Hacker, Programmer, Cracker.

Black Hole Exploit Kit - A Deadly Russian Crimeware

Russian hackers have a very strong history with Malware development, Infact russians hackers currently own world's most dangerous malwares. One of those dangerous and popular malware's we have is the "Black Hole Exploit Kit". Black hole exploit kit is basically a collection of tons of browser exploit which takes advantage of the vulnerability on user browser in order to infect your computer.

How Does It Works?

When ever a user visits a clean website, the malicious Iframe then redirects the user to the blackhole exploit server, Which then triggers out all the well known exploits on victims browser and gives remote access to the attacker.


The annual license for blackhole exploit kit costs around 1500$, the semi annual license costs 700$ and the quarterly license costs 700$. The author also gives you option to rent the exploit kit as well as you can host the exploit kit on authors server for a small fee.

Shaify Mehta - Hacker, Programmer, Cracker.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

From A Minor Bug To Zero Day - Exploit Development

While searching on Youtube related to buffer overflow vulnerabilities, I came across an excellent presentation by Math Ahroni on Defcon which explains the complete life cycle of the exploit development, from a simple bug  to a Zero day, The presentation explains the whole process of exploit development from the process of fuzzing, location a bug, use of egg hunters etc.

The vulnerability explained in this presentation at Defcon is a HP NNM buffer overflow exploit, however it's not as easy as it looks at first, The author had to go in lots of pain and complications in order to make this exploit working.

Backtrack 5R1 Arriving On 10th August

Well here is another exciting news for all penetration testers and backtrack lovers, Backtrack will launch backtrack r1(release one) on 10th august, According to offensive security team backtrack r1 will come with around 100 bug fixes and in addition to it backtrack 5 rc1 will also include over 30 tools and numerous package updates.


According to offensive security team:

We have a few exciting items to announce in the upcoming month, one of them being BackTrack 5 R1 (Release one) which will be available for download on the 10th of August,2011. This will complete our first 3 month cycle since the last release. With over 100 bug fixes, numerous package updates and the addition of over 30 new tools and scripts – BackTrack 5 R1 will rock. We will have a pre-release event of BackTrack 5 R1 at the BlackHat / Defcon Conference a few days earlier.