
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Square Enix websites hacked

Square Enix, the company behind many well known games such as the Final Fantasy series and Deux Ex series revealed that two of their sites were hacked and the e-mails of up to 25,000 customers who had been registered for updates had been obtained. The resumes of around 350 people who had applies for jobs in Square's Canada office are also believed to have been stolen. and are believed to be the two websites which were hacked. In a statement issued by the makers of Final Fantasy, they said that "Square Enix can confirm a group of hackers gained access to parts of our website as well as two of our product sites". They went on further to say that the sites were immediately taken offline as soon as the breach was noticed and they are investigating how hackers managed to access the sites, as well as increasing the security measures on all of their sites.

Graham Cluley of Sophos, a security firm, said that both attacks could lead to many problems for the users whose details were stolen. The hackers can e-mail users pretending to be from Square Enix, getting them to enter their account information or making them download malicious software. As for the resumes, he stated that there were a "blueprint for identity theft" with all the information a person would need apart from credit card details.

Square Enix responded by saying that there was no evidence that these details has been obtained and went further to states that they did not hold the credit card information of customers on their web servers.

With the recent attacks on Sony and many holes being found in the security of the video game industry, are we entering a new era where nothing is safe, no matter the security that is placed on it?\

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