
Friday, April 15, 2011

TOP TEN Safety Tips.......

ID Theft -- Top 10 Safety Tips from the Experts

By the time you finish reading this news release, another 100 American identities will be stolen. ID theft tops the list of consumer complaints at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). It has become so prevalent that consumers are increasingly subscribing to ID theft protection services.

"The cost of having your identity stolen is not only measured in dollars," notes V.P. Paul Vazquez. "An ID theft incident can take hundreds of hours of work to correct and years to fully recover from. Having some form of ID theft protection gives consumers peace of mind.", a member of the Identity Protection Network™, also recommends consumers follow these Ten Tips to be better protected (source FTC).

1. Shred documents with personal information before you discard them.
2. Don't carry your Social Security card in your wallet or give out your number unless absolutely necessary.
3. Don't give out personal information over the phone, through the mail or on the Internet unless you know and trust who you are dealing with.
4. Keep your personal information in a secure place at home.
5. Inspect your credit report regularly.
6. Monitor your monthly statements for charges you didn't make.
7. Check with the company if you get a surprise bill or if you were denied credit for no apparent reason.
8. If you suspect identity theft, place a "fraud alert" on your credit reports.
9. Close any accounts that have been tampered with or established fraudulently.
10. If your identity is stolen, file a police report because creditors may want proof of the crime.'s Identity Protection Network™ is the only identity protection service that:
1. Protects consumers' privacy by keeping their personal phone numbers private.
2. Speeds the process of clearing fraud alerts with a patent-pending identity authentication technology.
3. Keeps a record of credit requests sent to consumers and consumer responses.
4. Allows consumers with the push of a button to immediately report to law enforcement fraudulent attempts to open new credit accounts.

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