
Thursday, April 14, 2011


You Must Increase Internet Safety at Home!
Despite popular social network website Facebook's commitment to increase security for its users, PC Pandora reminds parents that the best protection this summer is inside the home, not on the web ...

Last week, the popular social networking site Facebook signed a commitment with 49 state Attorneys General (and the District of Columbia), promising to take proactive steps in strengthening the protection offered to younger users, specifically against sexual predators and inappropriate content littering the site. But while many applaud and recognize the effort as a positive step forward, one company wants to remind parents that this is only the first step down a long road.

"It's definitely a great and necessary step to take," says Pandora Corp. co-founder, James Leasure, "But for now it's just an announcement. Real measurements of success and improved safety will have to be evaluated down the road."

Included in the announced plans are stronger age and identity identification tools and restrictions, automatic warning messages when a child is in danger of giving personal information to an unknown adult, a prominent display of privacy information and safety tips, and a more immediate and aggressive response to pornographic material, inappropriate user groups and investigations of complaints.

"Again, the plans are great, but they are not infallible. Parents need to remember that protection starts in the home, especially with summer approaching," says Leasure.

Long gone are the days when the local teens would hang out at the arcade or at the mall all day long. The "playground" of the 21st century is the Internet. And kids on summer vacation will spend much more time unsupervised and online ... and so will sexual predators. So, just like yesterday's parents told their children not to talk to strangers, so parents of today must do so with the digital playground in mind. And while many stories in the media warn of threats and dangers, few give parents the tools they need to monitor computer activity and be an effective Net-generation parent.

That's why Pandora Corp. makes and sells leading monitoring software PC Pandora 5.0 ( Working like a TiVo for your PC, it records all content via screen capture.

"Our program allows parents to see everything their child does and opens the window for a conversation and chance to correct the potentially risky or dangerous behavior," explains Leasure. "If your child is visiting a website that you feel they are not ready for, or if they are developing a relationship with a username you don't recognize, you will know about it and be able to do something."

1 comment:

  1. Anshika ChaturvediApril 14, 2011 at 5:31 PM

    It's Very Nice for secure Net.....

