
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Getting a Google Wave invitation – free ways and methods to get google wave account

Lets begin with a small description of what actually a Google wave is.Ways of Getting free google wave invitation

Google Wave is an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration. A wave can be both a conversation and a document where people can discuss and work together using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.

A wave is a conversation with multiple participants — participants are people added to a wave to discuss and collaborate on its content. Participants can reply any time and anywhere within a wave, and they can edit content and add more participants as a wave develops. It’s also possible to rewind waves with the playback functionality, to see what happened, and when.

Below is the screenshot of Google wave main page after receiving an invitation and logging in.

Google wave login page after getting invitation

So, If you have a gmail account or orkut account, its not enough to get a google wave account. Since google wave is a new product of google, they offer account only to limited members. Its a bit hard to get google wave account membership though it is free. There are various ways and methods to get google wave account and i am going to highlight it here.

Method 1: Sign up for Google Wave Account by filling the request form

Directly signup at google wave by sending a request to Google Wave team to get an open invitation. You need to fill a request form. Visit request form

Method 2: Ask Google wave users to send you an invitation.

Remember when Gmail was introduced, a person need to get an invitation to open a gmail account. That’s the same case with Google Wave. You can ask any google wave user to send you a invitation. In this way you can easily join google wave.

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